Inside Autism

PITCH - James is in a mainstream school he is also autistic, will he be able to cope with changes and peer pressure or will he get lost in the system.

REVIEW - My thoughts on this short film are mixed as it is an American over dramatized - unrealistic version of events - My opinion is that , as this is an educational short film this is more like a " what should WE behave like when there is an autistic child in a mainstream school" rather then reality, yes they have the key points of what they go through in everyday life and James's reaction may be some-what authentic to them points but the reactions of the teacher and pupil are not accurate of what they would be in a mainstream school, from experience, teachers get frustrated and pupils get aggressive. 
The soft music is a nice touch though to show demonstrate the more sensitive scenes.

HOW DOES IT RELATE TO MY IDEA - At the start of the film James gets frustrated with the noise around him and the slightest thing like crinkling the papers and the other children having fun is something that my character Danny would defiantly do, he shows anger as well in some of the scenes which I can totally relate to Danny.


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