This was my plot for the ending.

  • Josh is thirsty and asked Annie if she would like a drink, she asks for a glass of water.
  • Josh comes back with the glass of water, the nurse is in the room.
  • Annie explains she is just tied but they can continue the game tomorrow at the same time.
Next Day

  • Josh arrive to the dayroom at 1:50, he looks down at his phone and turns it off.
  • The game of scrabble is still on the table with the same set up.
  • The clock ticks by 2'oclock , 3'oclok , 4'oclock. 
  • The nurse opens the door, its time for Josh to go, he asks about Annie.
  • The nurse shakes her head, Josh says he will be out in a minute.
  • Josh goes and looks back at the scrabble board it reads 'Goodbye' with the scrabble letters.
  • Josh leaves his phone on the table and walks towards the door with one final look before he leaves.

I decided to change it due to some factors that I have learned whilst watching short films and for the research I have about hospital day rooms, plus using one location without having an additional one will be easier for me to work with, I now have structured it this way.

  • Josh is thirsty so he gets up to go to the water dispenser in the same room
  • The nurse knocks on the door and enters to change the dead flowers
  • Annie is making a word on the scrabble board and has a funny turn
  • The nurse takes Annie out the room, Annie explains she will be back later to carry on the game and not to touch the scrabble board.
  • The time is ticking away, Josh is reading magazines, the clock is seen passing time.
  • The Nurse knocks on the door for Josh to go.
  • Josh asks where Annie is, the Nurse Shakes her head
  • Josh looks down at the scrabble board, the last word that Annie wrote on the board was "Goodbye"
  • Josh gets up and puts his rucksack on, he puts his phone on the table.
  • As josh is about to leave he see's Annie has dropped 4 pictures.
  • Josh picks them up, looks at them and smiles before he exits 
  • The end credits will be of the 4 pictures of Annie and her Granddaughter with 'Goodbye Annie' on the last one.


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