PITCH - Young Josh, meets dying 78-year-old Annie who will teach him one of life's most precious gift, the gift of time.


78 Year old Annie has terminal cancer, she is fed up being stuck in the hospital for weeks having treatment, whilst she waits in the day room, she encounters 10 year old Josh, who's main concern is that his battery has just died after flicking through Instagram, he gets bored and starts getting frustrated because there is nothing that he can do whilst he waits for his mum to have her treatment.

Annie gives the boy a talking to about what life was like before technology, Josh spots a board game and asks Annie how it is played, whilst playing the game Josh forgets that his phone is dead, they have some beautiful moment’s, but it is time for Annie to go and go for good she must.

Location idea 1.

My original idea was to see if I could hire out a hospital set for the day but it worked out too expensive.

Location idea 2.
Filming will be in one set location however I may do one take of a hospital building but for my main location I decided that one of the rooms in the base room at the studio would be ideal for my set up as I can create a hospital day room feel, I will create this feelings using props and furniture.

For the hospital day room I am going to need.
  •  2 Sofa's (Which I need to ask if I can borrow them from the base room)
  • A coffee Table (Which I am also going to ask if I can use from the base room)
  • Medical leaflets about cancer and bereavement.
  • Scrabble board
  • Mixed Board games
  • Magazines/crossword
  • Intravenous (Need to hire as a prop, price TBC) 
  • Mobile phone
  • Photographs
  • Clock
  • Dead flowers 
  • Pillow/Cushions
  • Rucksack
  • Stethoscope for the Nurse 
  • Fresh Flowers
  • Water dispenser
Today I called Medway hospital and spoke to a nurse called Hayley, she work on Lawrence Ward which is a cancer ward, I asked her if I could have some leaflets and posters for my film, she is more then happy to help out, she said that the day unit is closed on a weekend but I could go there today and she will more then be happy to give me what I need.

Companies that I can contact to hire props.

Mediscene - 07973 385654
Film Medical - 0208 9613222 - 0208 9617427

The reality of my idea is becoming more clear and I am nervous about entering a cancer unit because it's a dreadful illness and a sad reality, this is why I am passionate about my idea as well, to get a true message out that time is precious.


Annie costume.

  • Pink fluffy slippers
  • Light blue night gown 
  • White dressing gown
  • Flower head Scarf
Josh costume
  • Yellow Jumper 
  • Faded blue Jeans
  • White Trainers
  • Ward Scrubs (colour TBC)
  • White Pumps.
I learnt from our Wednesday lectures with Dr Clarissa, that the use of colours for costume denotes there character.

That's why I choose my bright colours for Josh as he is a loud character and I choose light some neutral colours for Annie apart from the slippers, which are pink - it show that she has a fun side to her.

Below are some images that helped me work out  what I need for my set.

I choose dead lily's for the first set up of the hospital day room as, lily's' are sympathy flowers, the fact that I want dead flowers as part of my Mise-en-scene is because its a symbol of death and time, it was actually Simon Ellis Idea after I told him my pitch, he stated that the word 'Time' in my pitch was significant because it doesn't just mean the amount of time we have to live, it is what we do with the time we have, then he mentioned having the dead flowers as it creates the feeling of what is to come and that we need to look after ourselves and live a life that's full. This also made me a change my plot line slightly as well which I will update on the relevant blog page.

I have a plot line within the structure - the nurse come in to change the flowers, whilst Josh gets up to get himself some water from the dispenser, she changes the dead sympathy lily's for flowers that represent life these are daisys, the colours I have choose are yellow, pink and white at they are the colours that I have carefully choose for my characters costume. 

                                                POSTER IDEA'S FOR THE DAYROOM

I will be collecting posters and leaflets from the Gaulton day unit at Medway Maritime Hospital, Hayley (The nurse I spoke to on the 06/10/18) was more then happy to help me obtained these for my project.
  STETHOSCOPE - I will borrow one off my sister as she is a nurse.

I will collect magazines from family and friends.

                                                          SCRABBLE BOARDGAME

I will also borrow the game or get one from the charity shop, for the other board games I have plenty at home.



This prop is something that I will have to hire, it is for my Annie to have in her arm as she is receiving treatment.

                                                            MOBILE PHONE

I have my own mobile phone which I will use on the day.


For the photographs I will need to do a mini photoshoot with Annie and her Great granddaughter, I will have to cast a 10 year old girl to do a shoot with 4 different costumes, but I will only need one location - this has made me think about another change to the end plot structure (will add on blog).
I only need four photos and will ask a fellow student to help me this or I can take on my phone, that will save time and possibly money.

                                                  BASE ROOM MAIDSTONE STUDIO.

The studio is a perfect location as there are various rooms that I can use as my set, I need to work out which room is going to be the best, for space and light - TBC


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