The title sequence had probably not been on anyone's minds when it comes to thinking about this unit, however a few weeks ago Simon mentioned to me that it was apart of our assessment so I reached out to the group and let them know then Alix made a facebook chat group just for this part of the project (as we don't have a group anymore other than that).

After Alix put out the feelers that we need to come up with a few ideas, Rhuban suggested doing something like the 'Too many cooks' opening sequence, when everyone is smiling or gesturing to the camera and we are introduced by opening titles, we all agreed or as I remember only 5 or 6 people where involved in this chat but only to agree on the idea, there where not any more sensible suggestions anyway.

Day's past and Simon asked me again what was happening, I put another message out to try and organise a day when we could get together and discuss what we were going to do and who wanted to do what, Sara said 'why can't we discuss it on the Facebook group chat?' so I continued to try and get some response via the chat, Alix then suggested that we should all do something in the title sequence that we enjoy doing within production and film it, then we could put something together after that? again a only a handful of people responded, I then said if we are filming in the base room we need a risk assessment, Alix asked Rhuban for his one as he has filmed in there before and we would only need to tweak it, then on the 25th of Feb myself and Alix would get it signed and signed off so that we could get it shot on the rough-cut day on the 27th February this was so we knew that everyone would be in.

The 27th came round and everyone came in, yet nobody asked if we were filming and we still hadn't got the risk assessment done because we hadn't yet received it from Rhuban, yes we could have done it ourselves but we wanted to get others involved and make them apart of it.
Sara came up to me that morning and asked "You look like your in charge of this title thing, what's happening?" this through me back a bit because not once had I said that I was in charge but it felt like myself and Alix had been put in that position, I mentioned to her that I knew just as much as she did. Alix chased the risk assessment off Rhuban we finally got it on the 1st March, he apologised for it being late.

I told the small groups that were at the studio's, that when we have the risk assessment we were going to film on the following Monday which was fine cut day, Alix told everyone to get there as early as possible and we would film in small groups, I told Taz because she has muted the chat on facebook she told me that she would let William and 'G' no because they also have nothing to do with the chat. Alix also informed Jack because we know he has an extension and would not have been in for the fine-cut day.

Filming day came around and everyone was still blarzay about what was happening, I and Alix again, had to let everyone know what was happening.
I asked Ethan to help collect the equipment with me from Ferg he kindly carried a light for me. once the equipment was out I set up the camera and I asked Ethan if he wanted to film as he is good on camera, he said that he would have but he had too much blogging to do, I then asked Abbey if she wanted to film some of it and she said she would but she isn't good on camera, so I just took it upon myself and filmed the first few groups, Jazz and Abbey set up the lights but as far as the day went that's all the help we had, Alix even had to ask people to help take down the lights at the end.

For each shot we got into groups, I and Alix asked who wanted to do what (which that seemed like a hard question to some) some people even said "what are we doing?' and I or Alix had to explain again.

After everyone chose what they wanted to do myself or Alix would film them for 10 seconds each doing that, there wasn't a huge amount of directing involved but we just needed to make sure that peoples face where seen.

It got to 3pm and Ferg needed the camera back because he needed it for a workshop the next day and needed to make sure all the batteries where charged,
Aidon turned up and said he didn't know anything about what was happening and Ethan said (in front of the group) "yes you did I told you last night". Anyway, the equipment was in.

Taz said, "what about 'G'?" Alix said it was coming in on the next day possibly we could be able to put him in on the edit.
Sara said that she would edit the piece which I thought was great, Alix sat down with her and explained what we had filmed and they discussed how it should be put together.

The 5th March came and myself and Alix got in the studio at 8am we talked about doing the edit and Alix got an edit from Sara with a message saying 'Sorry i did it late last night' and the title of the edit was even called 'late night speed cut', Alix sent a message back stating that we (myself and Alix) would also do an edit as it wasn't what she had in mind, Sara said to put it to a vote on the group and we agreed.

For the edit we did, we chose 1970's music and an image of a 70's TV, we thought of this not only because the two many cooks idea but also for what is happening on teen TV today with the play on period misé-en-scene but based in this century, it was so fitting.
Alix was on the keys and I like an over the shoulder collaborator, making suggestions and working as a team, we literally shared all our idea's which came up to the sequence we have now.

After our edit, we put the edits to a vote and people voted for the one we did, we then had to come up with a name and it was Alan who came up with the name take 22.

It was complete.

What have I learned from this experience?
I am not sure, to be honest, I want to say something professional and I didn't want this blog post to be throwing people under the bus, but I have written this post as if I was writing a work report to the owners when I was managing a restaurant and something that was supposed to get done didn't and they wanted to know why? what? how? who?. But to be honest, everyone has created there own little groups and clicks.
I have lost respect for a couple of people within the group through this unit, but I know that in the working world you don't have to be friends to work with people to work with or alongside them.
I feel like I can't do right from wrong - catch 22.

Below are the 2 edits.


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