C. Analysis of structure and branding of a studio production.

News: New Sports Series From Comedy Central

I will be looking at the branding and structure of the game show Gods of the game which demonstrates a similarity to the ideas of what Quest resonates with me.
The show is featured on comedy central which means that although it has an appearance through the graphics as a children's program it actually has adults humour, this is one of the main reasons why I chose this show, as Quest is an original idea it is difficult to pin-point it to a particular Chanel.
At the beginning of the process, I stated that Quest could belong on comedy central and Gods of the game came out after the fact. This I found very interesting as I did research that there was a gap in the market on Comedy central.

What is God Of the Game?
It is a game show where everyday contestants (also called mortals on the show) compete through challenges against sports icons. The ‘mortals’ will be given the option to choose how much of a head start they require - the bigger the advantage the fewer points they win, reducing their chances of a podium finish in the medal ceremony and consequent bragging rights that they beat their sporting hero at their own game.

On the title card, bold graphics are used - the colours and the font demonstrate a SiFi element which as an audience can identify with it being 'out of this world'

How does the show relate to Quest?
I have touched upon a few shows which I
researched in relation to the structure and branding in the previous posts but the only reason this show stood out to me was because of the ideals of having powerful visuals and font graphic.

My research on this unit didn't take me as much into discovering much about graphics as this is a very broad topic in which can be a whole unit in itself, but having a look at the tone of shows and the way graphics are used can vital for an audience - I was trying to explain to someone who I am currently working with on my show (outside the university) about the design of our tittle card, the graphic designer sent over an example and automatically I said " the font reminds me of a horror film' and that was without having to think, this is conditional thinking, so as an audience member I subconsciously know the type of show/film/tv series is going to be like before I even watch it just by what the graphics, font and colours that are being used.

Quest has a medieval font and a sword is a graphic so I can identify the show just by the title, this is why graphics are so important, if the graphic are not related to the show then it can be misleading to the audience.

The colours also used in Quest are the neutral medieval colours so colours are also important to show 'where we are', in gods of the game just by looking at the title card, it takes me to another world or planet and the people featured on the front look powerful, this shows to me , as the audience that its a challenge game, the font they used is also what would be put on a Playstation game cover, so we know that there will be challenges as would be on a console.

I have touched upon graphics in previous posts and my learning outcome for my research is that I understand that graphics and fonts play the most important part of capturing the targeted audience. It is more important now than it ever has been because of the many different platforms available for us to watch, the title card always appears first and people see the visuals before they read the synopsis, getting the title card wrong can have a devasting effect for ratings.

List of Illustrations.

Figure 1. Title Card: Gods of the game (2020) [Beyond the joke] At: https://www.beyondthejoke.co.uk/content/8385/bradley-wiggins-comedy (Accessed 21 April 2020)


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