Content research

  • Story content  
- Pre-recorded 'Sleep' item.
- Newspaper
For the environmental idea, we looked at an article in the Sun newspaper, it was about petrol running out within the next 14 years.
We didn't go with the environment story so we didn't need to use any of the information that we had read about however it did open our minds to the initial story that we had had in the end as the environment connected to veganism and veganism connect to fatigue. 

- Interview with a consultant at Medway Maritime Hospital.
We met with a consultant to initially set up an on-camera interview, we recorded the conversation so we could research more into sleep disorders, It was good that we recorded it because 'on-the-day' she refused to be filmed.
Rebecca had transcripted the conversation, which gave us a backbone for the story and led us to research, common side effect for sleep disorders and how we could incorporate that into our news package.

- NHS Website.

I looked at sleep apnea as it is one of the most common sleep disorders and from what the consultant said about snoring not being normal, it led me to this website, in our script we used from this information the following:

  1. How to improve our sleep.
  2. Signs to look out for.
  3. What to avoid before bedtime.
- Calling people.
The interview and website where the key elements of research that we needed but I needed to start making enquires with people I knew who suffered from a sleep disorder.
Calling and communicating with subjects is a skill as you need to know what to say, how to say it and without offending or prying on people's personal issues, as I knew who I was calling I was able to gather my information but when its someone I don't know I script out what I am going to say the information that I got from my calling research was:

  1. More people suffer from some sort of sleep disorders then I expected.
  2. 85% of the people I spoke to had gone undiagnosed.
  3. 15% didn't know the signs of a sleep disorder and tell I had spoken to them about it.
The output of the calling research and to go into our story is that people are unaware of the signs and how many people go undiagnosed.

- As 'Live' Vegan item.

- Internet.
Jack headed up most of the research for the vegan story, as it was initially his idea and we had split the jobs, but I know that the internet was a great influence on his background research, as he had discussed his finding with us in a pre-production meeting.

 Branding research and Logo design Research.


The first thing that I wanted to do was to look at relevant branding colours for the type of brand we are going for, this is before I presented it to the team this is because different colours represent a different view of what a brand stands for.
Our brand is to promote Mind Body and soul health, whether that be eating right or whether it is sleeping well, herbal vs prescription.

Below is a chart I found which interoperates the meaning of colours within the healthcare system, I found that after researching further the prominent coulers are Blue and green, this is used in many logos across the NHS and private healthcare business.       

I looked at a few logos throughout health care to see what colours and font are used to identify who they are and how familiar these logos for me, I was surprised to see that Green and Blue are the most used within the health care system.

Below are examples of what I came across.

So my conclusion that green and blue are the colours that can identify healthcare, Now we have the colours its time to brainstorm about the name of our product, here are the ones I came up with and why.

                                                     What makes a good brand?

" Apple came up with the most simplest brand that is now known worldwide, to make a great brand it has to be simple"

10 Branding Lessons That Every Business Graduate Should Know (But Doesn’t) (2012) https://neilpatel.com/blog/10-branding-lessons/ (Accessed on 3 October 2019)

  • How this Branding research help with our package.
From MBS Website

Rebecca had the task of coming up with the website and looking for significant but simple symbolism logo's that sums us up as a brand without having to say it. She came across a lily and researched into its meaning and what it represents:

"Lillies most commonly mean devotion or purity" (Fresh, F.T.D. 2016) 

The symbol matched our name and our brand and it is simple and like my findings from my brand research simplicity is sometimes the best way.

The colours in the graphic design that we found had the original colours that Jack had sketched out, but the moving image wasn't just chosen for that because it is also a symbol of fertility which relates to purity which relates to the 'Mind, body and soul' and that is what our mission statement is about.

We took it one step further when it came to shooting, just like I had seen within the BBC news research, They always had some sort of colour red in each piece of footage, so in both our 'live' item and our pre-recorded item, we made the colour 'Green' present, whether it was wardrobe or set:

(On closer inspection, there is a bit of green in all our shoots)

  • Music.
- What we did.
We contacted Paul Harris a friend of mine who is a music producer, he came to the studio and we listened to relevant music that he had already produced, we told him what our story was and he went away and came up with our 'sting'. 
Personly I am happy that we got an external person in for the music as it adds originality to our package.

  • Structure.
- Books.
To help me understand the whole news structure as a whole I referred to the books below:

Within these books, I used many different chapters (in which I reference in other blog posts) Without the research that I found I wouldn't have been able to understand complex issues and techniques such as:
  • Presenting.
  • Newsworthy news.
  • Human interest items and the meaning
  • What shots need to look like.
  • Sequencing.
  • Conventions of news.
  • What news is and what it's not.
  • How a 'live' item works.
  • Background on research techniques.
  • Interviewing strategies.

Critical Reflections.

Although I feel that I have done more research in this unit then another, I need to be up to date with all that is going on in our package, I should have asked Jack and Rebecca what research they had found and where they found it and why it is relevant, having said that, we did split jobs up so we could go more in-depth with our own research.
We did plan our research strategies together when it came to getting the interview with the hospital and the branding ideas because it was a group input for the overall package.


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