What is it?
Good Morning Britain (also known as GMB) is a UK breakfast show that starts at 6am every weekday.

"Breakfast shows are made up with these key elements, Anchors, Newsreaders, weather reporters and correspondents" (Marriot, 2007:43)

 GMB Presenters and cast

Structure of the show

The structure of the show consists of these key elements:
  • It is 'Live' presenter lead.
  • Has VT's (videotapes) of pre-recorded news items.
  • Interviews.
  • On-Location.
  • Entertainment news.
  • Breaking News.
  • Sports News.
  • Weather forecast.
  • Promotional items.
  • Advertising.
  • Political news.
  • Human interest items.
  • Controversial News - this is made up of the interview techniques used by the presenters.
  • Sponsorships.
Breaking it down some conventions.

                                                            'Live' presenter lead:

"Vianello (1985) suggest that there are two key elements which act as indices of liveness: Direst address, a gaze to the camera, accompanied by discourse that seeming direct targets the audience at home - and remoteness" (Marriot, 2007:43)

Having a news panel that is 'live' keeps the audience in the moment of breaking stories which may have happened, it also has the entertainment value of anything can happen or anything can be said.
The entertainment value of the panel on GMB is that Piers Morgan is a controversial character, some-what like ' Mimite' you either love him or hate him, his delivery in tone and 'off-script' dialogue is what draws an audience in (as it does for my self) Piers, knows how to push the boundaries of Journalism and presenting, he says what the world may be thinking and isn't afraid to say it. His relationship with Susanna Reed (Co-Host) is that of a schoolyard scenario, however, their different points of view make the show more of an interest because not everyone has one-sided views.

"ITV is the largest commercial production company for unscripted content in the UK'  (itv.plc.com)

                                                            Pre-Recorded News items
The pre-recorded item also is known at 'VT's' are purposely put in so that the studio can set up for the next live item, such as an interview or a movement that the presenters have to make on set ie: Changing to another part of the set or getting make-up re-applied. It turns the focus of the audience away so they engage with something different and informative, the presenter will always lead the headline of the story without giving away to much.


On GMB interview techniques can be formal or informal. when the show opens, they may have someone already in the studio sitting next to them, this happens when it is breaking news, they may also have someone already live in another location being interviewed over the airwaves. It is easy to tell by the positioning of the presenters what type of news it will be:
  • Formal interview - on the set at the desk with the panel.
  • Informal - such as entertainment interviews will be on a stall with images of the guest behind, this is mainly to 'Plug' a book, film, tv show, concert or charity event.

"By developing and managing the rights to content, ITV is able to maximise the value of its programme brands across a range of revenue streams, making ITV a more balanced business and enabling it to drive value from different revenue models" (itv.plc.com)

ITV demographic varies throughout there many channels according to research done on the ITV website, it also reaches out to 65% of the population, so GMB would be the go-to breakfast news for people within a younger age bracket which would explain the unscripted items and the constant changes of background and down to the casting of the presenters, all of the content that the show contains is a far cry from the sophistication of the BBC.

ITV rely on the advertising aspect to create revenue and commission from companies, but they do this around what content is being seen, they also advertise there shows in which are coming up:
  • GMB includes - Lorraine.
  • Larraine Includes - This Morning.
  • This morning includes - Loose Women. 
They talk live to these shows and show that they are all connected as a unit working under one umbrella - it hooks the audience in because it has a 'family' implement in which should be expected from a team. 

As with all ITV News broadcast and programmes, GBM is consistent to keep the audience up-to-date with everything that is happing in the UK and worldwide, with bulletin on the bottom, the time and their logo - on observation ITV's GMB use the use of yellow throughout there shows as it matches there logo, even when Lorrain was introduced there was a hint of yellow in the background, The BBC news do the same but with red.

How it is relevant to our news package.

Within our news package, we have:
  • pre-recorded item.
  • interviews with 2 different contributors 
  • Graphics that stay on screen.
  • Light news.
  • Hard news.
  • A consistent colour throughout.
  • A reconisable brand for a spacific demograpic.
All the same conventions as GMB has.


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