We changed the idea of focusing on men's mental health and the effects because we were coming at a standstill and didn't really have a direction to go with that idea.

So I mentioned to Katie that I had just bought a wig online and it sparked an idea of when I bought 2 dress from eBay and they looked so good but ended up looking really bad and not what was advertised.
I also was stung by a scam 5 years ago below are the picture of what I thought i was buying and what actually turned up.

The advertised dress I thought I was buying no1

The dress that arrived no1

The dress that I thought I was buying no2

The dress that turned up no2

Katie told me about when she bought her prom dress about 2 years ago and had a rush to get out and buy a new one because of the way that it was made and how upset she was.
So we decided that we would focus on the fashion trade online and below is our proposal.

Catfish Merchant 
Buying a dream but delivered a nightmare

Exciting times ahead, prom is around the corner, months have gone by, now finally that long wait has paid off, the dress of your dreams has just arrived – you open that package with a smile on your face and excitement in your heart, the dress that was modelled by Jennifer Lopez on the red carpet and this is what it looks like ......

All is not what it seems and we want to know why? Why are online merchants able to get away with false advertising and delivering such low-quality goods and how well small businesses are doing yet feeling the effects of online scamming. As prom season arrives the message needs to get out if something is too good to be

true it probably is.
We will recreate a scene from a dramatic story of young Katie and how buying her prom dress online ended up costing more money and was emotionally draining.
We will have examples of clothes that have been purchased from these websites and deconstructed by fashion experts who will also talk about the working conditions of the people who make them.
Not all will be doom and gloom as we talk to traders who have found that advertising online has boosted its business but who will also share their views on these companies whom scam people on a day to day basis and does that affect them as a retailer and trading standards answer questions on how will they police these scam websites and how we as consumers can avoid being ripped off.

The opening sequence will have myself (Carla Buckingham) as presenter talking directly into the camera, telling the audience what we are doing and why – this part will be fact driving with stats found on the consumer database.

Throughout the documentary I will be interacting on screen with the experts in an interview sequence, there are going to be 3 different styles of interviews.
- Fashion expert – this will be a walkie talky sequence, as we will be touching and feeling the materials from one to the other.

- Jane from Janes stall – actuality interview, so that we can see a hard-working woman in her own environment whilst she talks to us.
- Trading standards officer – in an official sit-down formal interview as we will be discussing facts and stats.
We will also have a reconstructed scripted sequence that will weave in and out throughout with a v/o of Katie telling us her horrible experience when she bought a prom dress online and how it nearly ruined prom for her altogether, we will use actors for this piece.

Central Characters
Carla Buckingham – presenter and narrator.
Katie Cahalane -V/O for younger Katie.
Bryony Smith– Young Katie.
Member of the Advertising standards agency (ASA) – Discussing how adverts are policed and how companies can get away with using false images.
Caitlin Simons – back-up actress for ‘Katie’
Callum – Fashion Atelier student at UCA, our fashion student talks to us about the process of making the garments that we bring in and what they are really made of.
Jane from Janes Stall – Interviewing about how her business has grown thanks to social media and her views on these scam websites and if it has impacted her business in any way.
Extra’s – To play Katie’s friend for one scene at the house when they are flicking through magazines.

Bromley Brides – Film a sequence of our actor trying on various dresses and realising that they are too expensive which forces her to look online for something in her price range.
House – Scripted sequence of the dramatic reconstructed piece of Katie and flipping through prom magazines.
Rochester campus – fashion studio, this is where we will showcase the garments that we have collected to the fashion student. ASA Offices – Formal interview space with an agent.
Shopping mall – Bluewater pending approval.
Janes Stall – Interview with Jane will take place.

The outcome of the documentary is to teach and inform people the pros and cons of purchasing (Primarily prom dresses) online and how to make a purchase safe enough that we get what we see advertised. Usually, if something is too good to be true, it usually is. We will also find out the best ways to stay safe online when making a purchase and how easy it to send things back and get a refund. 


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