Workshop 1: Getting to know the camera.

The first part of the workshop I need to find out what the stability was like on the new camera, so I shot the sleeping subjects on a hand-held position, the reason I needed to do this is because I will be shooting the 'Live' section of our news package hand-held due to having to pan high and low.

I found that the camera is a lot heavier then the last camera's that we used but I was happy with how steady the shot looked, I also colour graded it a little because the first images were darker than the final product, I will make sure that on the day of filming specific lights are used to create a nicer colour and highlight my subjects better than this workshop shoot.

The PTC from Jack was filmed on the tripod in one take, but I bought the shot in closer from a wide to a mid-shot in post, I found this worked for the look I was going for but I will only have the opportunity to edit like this in our pre-recorded part of the news package, also I go extra's to walk past to give it a busy street feel, I wanted to see how authentic I could set the scene, it worked for the shot because it made it feel like a live piece of news.

Shooting in 4k was a good experiment as we had a chance to see higher quality picture, however in the edit the process took longer and when coming to the colour correction it lost the look of the 4k that we used, so on the filming days we will use UHD so that it is easier to apply colour correction without losing a high quilty look.

                                                Workshop 2: Green screen and autocue           

Setting up the Green screen for filming took time and precise effort as there are lots of equipment that need to be set up before we even started to think about rehearsing on the autocue.
This practice taught me about the nature of what presenters have to do on live tv and the skill it takes to read from an autocue.

'Most TV stations use devices to project the script on to glass in front of the camera so presenters can give the impression of eye contact with the viewer as they read the news. The intention is to make it appear that they know the material off by heart and simply telling the story to the audience.' (Boyd, Stewart, Alexandra, 2008:192)

Jacks, eye-line was not off for his PTC but for the 30 mins that we had to set up and film I feel like he did his best job within that time.

However, We have a different presenter for our shoot and I will be observing eyeline's as we have more time.

The colour grade is very sharp and the clothes that he had on really popped.
We are deciding whether to use the green screen, just due to the time and content that we have. 

                                             Workshop 3: Editing greenscreen practise.

The image above was taken in front of a green screen, I did this edit in photoshop, taking a background image and putting it behind her, I was unable to do a live version on the moving image however I will put my practise in when we shoot for the presenter part of the show.
I will definitely be looking at backgrounds for the green screen presenter piece as we need to implicate our brand within that setting.


Boyd, A. (2008) 'News reading mechanics: using a prompter' in: Boyd, A. Stewart, P, Alexandra, R. 'Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio & Television News'. Oxford: Focal Press. pp192.


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